
The Book of Reviews features reactions from listeners, reviews and votings as well as references and press releases. Please stay tuned for new entries since this is a growing section. You may contact eona directly via eMail.


Das Book of Reviews beinhaltet Reaktionen und Bewertungen von Hörern ebenso wie Referenzen und Pressemitteilungen. Da diese Seite immer aktuell gehalten wird, würden wir uns freuen, wenn Sie uns von Zeit zu Zeit wieder besuchen. eona ist auch direkt per eMail zu erreichen.

References / Referenzen

Sept. 1999: the song 'Friday' is featured MP3.com song

Dec. 1999: eona's song 'Awakening' becomes MP3.com featured song

March 2000: 'Fly' and 'Awakening' are ranking top 5 in the Besonic.com U.S.A. charts, 'Fly' ranks worldwide No 1 in the classical charts

Several appearances and interviews of the eona artist in the german 'Traumklang Radio' of the Ruhrwelle Bochum

Sept./Oct. 2000: Yahoo Germany features and promotes songs 'Awakening' and 'Friday'


Reactions / Reaktionen

'You are producing some of the most beautiful electronic music I have ever heard! You are truly a talented artist! You are definitely going on my recommendation list.' (W.M., U.S.A.)

'...when I clicked on 'Awakening' I couldn't stop the Realplayer to pass over other artists... Deep and real, no fuzzes! I believe your album got attention in your country though.' (G.K., Italy)

'... your sound is wonderful, especially the 'Ocean Gathering'. Thanks for sharing it with me.' (J.J., Wales, GB)

'I have been searching, for some time now, music that I could not just listen to, but feel. When I do things, I do them whole-heartedly. Your music has given me the freedom to listen with my heart, and not my ears... I just wanted to say thank you. You are doing what you love, and it shows.' (R., U.S.A.)

'Ihre Arbeit ist ganz toll, ich kann ihr stundenlang zuhören..[..] Ihre Musik ist außergewöhnlich gut...' (anonym)

'I added your link to my site. It should appear soon! I hope that helps increase world awareness of your great music!!!!!!!' (C.S., Fallbrook, CA, U.S.A.)

(all reviews and excerpts concern the mp3 versions of the relevant songs featured on the internet; alle Bewertungen und Reaktionen beziehen sich auf die entsprechenden mp3-Versionen der Musikstücke auf dem Internet)


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